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v3.356 Release Notes 18 October 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Allow candidate / application summary to show as a form (ticket ref #38022)It’s now possible to configure the data displayed within the summary section of the Application and Candidate Summary pages via a Form instead of a Table Layout. Being able to use Forms adds flexibility to the summary section. Config users can add things like Labels and Visibility rules to control what information is displayed.Configurable change: UK Driving Licence form validation (ticket ref #37813)We’ve added a new ‘Validation Type’ called ‘UK Driving Licence’. Adding this to a free text item allows you to ensure that when capturing a candidates UK Driving Licence, it will be accurate.Convert all xls imports/exports into xlsx imports/exports (ticket ref #37821)Previously, users could only import xls files. Our export/import functionality now supports xlsx. Adding support for xlsx will make these tools more usable.This will include areas such as:Importing/Exporting Applications Importing/Exporting Vacancies Importing/Exporting List Values Importing/Exporting Items  Importing/Exporting Statistics Reports  FIXESDate fields no longer editable in spreadsheet mode (ticket ref #37983)We’ve fixed an issue where users were unable to edit date fields when using ‘spreadsheet mode’ within the Application and Vacancy list views.Time displaying incorrectly in form (ticket ref #35257)We’ve fixed an issue with time fields in forms when printing/exporting as PDF. It will now display time only. Word Count and Error Message Not Displaying if Label has a Line or Page Break (ticket ref #38064)We’ve fixed an error where large free text fields with a word limit weren’t correctly displaying the word count or word count exceeded message.These changes were released on 18th October 2023, in version v3.356.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.355 Release Notes 4 October 2023

NEWNew datapath for Database objects (ticket ref #37980)We’ve added a new datapath for Database objects. This datapath will default the value to Current_User. This will have several uses. One example would be self-configuration users can create dashboard widgets that filter data based on the user looking at it. So for example, a list of jobs where the user only sees jobs where they are set as the ‘Recruiter’ (or whatever you call your database object(s) on your job creation form)User will be informed if file upload limit is reached (ticket ref #37842)The current file size limit is 10MB. If a user attempts to submit a file larger than that with a form - the user will see a message explaining why the form upload has failed. FIXESInterview scheduling will default to current century (ticket ref #37975)If a user uses the shortened year format (i.e 23, 24) when scheduling interview slots, the system will autofill the rest of the year, so the slot will be schedule for the right time.Attached files will stay attached to form even if form submission is unsuccessful and has to reload (ticket ref #35257)If a user is submits a form with an attached file but misses a mandatory field, when the form reloads, the missed field will be highlighted and the attached file will still be there, so the user won’t have to reattach it.Feedback form datapath can be used to specify form instance (ticket ref #37968)We’re fixing an issue where the datapath used to identify an item in a specific instance of a feedback form was instead always displaying the first form instance.These changes were released on 4th October 2023, in version v3.355.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.351 Release Notes 9 August 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Add column functionality to one shot form (ticket ref We’ve made it possible to configure one shot forms to be split into multiple columns.This was already possible for other form types (application, onboarding, etc) so it brings the one shot forms (unauthenticated forms) more inline with the rest. Stats Report title changes update after edit (ticket ref #37536)We’ve made it so when a user updates the title of a Stats Report, the title will correctly update without the page having to be manually refreshed.This will avoid any confusion for users that may think the title change wasn’t  successful.Stats Report & Searches - "1st Jan 2 years ago" option (ticket ref #37585)We’ve added a new option for date/time criteria used in Stats Reports and Advanced Searches. Add file library & upload file options for interview booking emails (ticket ref #37430)We’ve made it possible to add attachments to the confirmation email that’s sent when booking a candidate into an interview slot. Add option to export only selected users from datatable rows (ticket ref #37639)We’ve made it possible to only export selected users from the User List rather than always having to export the entire user list. FIXESSort by Lookup list order (ticket ref #37656)We’ve fixed an issue that some customers were having where stats reports with axis that were set to sort by ‘Lookup List Order’ were sorting alphanumerically rather than numerically.Table Layouts: Duplication of Item fields (ticket ref #37570)We’ve fixed an issue that some customers were experiencing where adding a field to a table layout was adding it twice These changes were released on 9th August 2023, in version v3.351.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.348 Release Notes 28 June 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Parse & Index Form Fields for Systems without CVs (ticket ref #34205)Parsing can be configured to parse application forms for systems that don't require CVs to be uploaded, so search & match can still be used. Configurable change: Allow MS Teams integration to use UserID rather than Email (ticket ref #37163)For clients with specific requirements on the email address used for MS teams integrations, we can now specify whether to use the username or email address (defaulting to email address) with the new config key feature.sotf.interviewer_availability_id Configurable change: New supported languages: Polish, Slovakian and Romanian (ticket ref #37229)Translation options can now be configured to include Polish, Slovakian and Romanian. Show status group set title in time status reporting table (ticket ref #37192)While building or amending a Status Time Reporting group, it was hard to tell which status group set the item belonged to, especially if they had been named the same or similarly.Status group set titles are now included in the time status reporting data table. Translate interview dates/times (ticket ref #37201)The candidate interview booking screen will now translate dates to the candidate's preferred language. "Never editable" multi instance sections will no longer show "Add another" prompts (ticket ref #37228)This removes confusion for users that should only be able to view a certain set of fields rather than edit or add toThese changes were released on 28th June 2023, in version v3.348.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.347 Release Notes 14 June 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Access control referral matched candidate info (ticket ref #37033)A new access control URL has been added - /VIRT/ats/referral/view/display_candidate_details - which controls whether a user can see matched candidate information when viewing a referral they have made. Application Summary "Forms" tab filtering (ticket ref #35784)The forms tab in the application summary now contains a filter which you can use to narrow down forms associated to an application.Use candidate brand as one shot form fallback (ticket ref #36961)One shot forms will now fall back to the system candidate branding if they haven’t been assigned specific branding.Allow app form resubmission in parallel processes (ticket ref #37035)You should now be able to re-submit forms included in a parallel process.Consistent "log history on change" when copying vacancies (ticket ref #37074)Copying vacancies now logs a history entry for each item that is set to "log history on change", mirroring standard vacancy creation behaviour.Improved mapping exports (ticket ref #37096)Mapping exports have been enhanced according to implementation consultant feedback.Exports now include tabs for lookup values and a column for lookup value name rather than just ID. These changes were released on 14th June 2023, in version v3.347.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.345 Release Notes 17 May 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Allow candidate location to be amended in user details pageWe’ve made it possible for the Location field that uses Google Geolocation to be useable on the Edit Personal Details page for candidates.Previously  for candidates it was only available within forms (typically used in the main application form). Configurable change: Check layout column datapathWe’ve added a new ‘Toggle Datapaths’ button to the ‘Edit page layout’ window users see when editing a Table Layout.This allows users to be able to see where the data is pulling from for each column. This is particularly useful because often users rename the columns for the layouts which means that later on they may not be able to pinpoint which field a column is showing data for.The ‘Toggle Datapaths’ button can be access controllable and a new activity will need to be added to profiles in order for those users to be able to see the button.One Shot Forms - alignment and visibility rule fixesWe’ve made some tweaks to how One Shot Forms work to ensure that branding and alignment of text is consistent when configured.Additionally, there was an issue where some users were experiencing visibility rules not correctly working within One Shot forms. We are also fixing this at the same time.“One Shot Forms” are also known as “Unauthenticated Feedback Forms”. They are a way to email a link to an external person who, if they click on the link, will be able to complete a form and submit it into the system without having to login to the ATS. FIXESAccessibility ImprovementsWe’ve addressed 26 accessibility issues covering WCAG References:1.3.1 Info and Relationships 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) 2.4.4 Link Purpose 2.4.6 Headings and Labels 3.2.2 On Input 3.3.1 Error Identification 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions 4.1.2 Name, Role, ValueThese changes were released on 17th May 2023, in version v3.345.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.344 Release Notes 3 May 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Custom letter filenames (ticket ref #36755)We’ve added a new field to the Offer Letter generator called ‘Letter file name’. This will allow users to set the File Name of the downloaded offer letter.It can either be configured as a default within the Offer Letter configuration, or manually overwritten when generating a candidate’s offer.The field also allows datapaths you can set the file name to always contain the candidate’s name for example.Configurable change: Make agent firstname/lastname auto population optional (ticket ref #36843)We created a configuration key called ‘agent.applications.auto_populate’ which can now be used to disable the agent name auto population feature.Originally, this was to ensure candidates were anonymous to the company so their name would read as the Agent’s name who submitted the candidate.Some customers now want to be able to disable this, and that’s what this change will allow.More informative message regarding 'bounced' emails (ticket ref #36785)Emails that are sent to more than one recipient will now have a ‘Status’ for each recipient. This will allow users to more clearly see which email addresses the email bounced and which once successfully received the email. These changes were released on 3rd May 2023, in version v3.344.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.343 Release Notes 19 April 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Create config key to allow blank titles in restricted vac creation (ticket ref #36766)For customers that take advantage of Vacancy Templates we’ve created an optional config key that, when enabled, will leave the Job Title field blank when copying details from a template.This will ensure the user is prompted to correctly set the Job Title rather than leaving it as the same title as the Template (which some customers include the word “Template” within the title).Add back to list buttons to saved search and widget setup pages (ticket ref #36727)To aid navigation, we’ve added ‘Back to List’ buttons to the Config Saved Search and Widget Setup pages.Allow searching by weeks (ticket ref #36740)We’ve added the ‘Weeks’ option to the ‘Custom Period’ date search functionality. This will give users more flexibility in their searches.Add config help text (ticket ref #35969)We’ve added more config help text to areas of the system in order to aid users performing self-configuration.Add copy button for table layouts (ticket ref #36665)We’ve added the ability to ‘Copy’ a Table Layout within in the Layout Listing Configuration Page. This will save self-config users time when they need to create a new layout with similar columns to a pre-existing table. FIXESSpreadsheet mode not respecting deprecated values (ticket ref #36663)We’ve fixed an issue some users are experiencing where deprecated values were displaying as options in Lookup Lists when using ‘Spreadsheet Mode’.These changes were released on [DATE], in version v3.[xxx].All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.342 Release Notes 5 April 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Make "process walk" in history optional (ticket ref #36155)Previously, if a user used the ‘Other Status’ feature to manually move an application to a status which could have been achieved through a series of ‘Progress’ actions, the system would “process walk” the application to record that they have been in each intermediary status.For some customers they don’t want this due to the way they report on Application Statuses.Therefore, we’ve added a configuration key which allows this feature to be turned off on a system if a customer requests it: process.log_intermediate_status_changesConfigurable change: Make Spreadsheet Mode on vacancy screen access controllable (ticket ref #36529)We’ve made Spreadsheet Mode on the vacancy list screen Access Controllable.This allows customers to restrict access to this feature if they so choose.Configurable change: TrustID Integration: Display QR Code to candidate on Oleeo (ticket ref #36579)When a candidate completes their digital Right to Work check through Oleeo’s integration with TrustID, the TrustID platform displays a QR code for the candidate to scan with their mobile to continue the check on there.We’ve made it possible to display the QR code within the Oleeo Application Portal. This prevents the candidate having to navigate away from Oleeo on their computer. Therefore, when the candidate completes their check the page can automatically reload and display the next status message to the candidate.Make ‘Opportunity Preference Set’ for jobs Bulk Updateable (ticket ref  #36620)We’ve made it possible to Bulk Update the ‘Opportunity Preference Sets’ on vacancies from the list page.This helps customers that use job forking.Add copy button for TEE pages and adverts (ticket ref #36576)We’ve made it possible to ‘Copy’ pages and adverts created within the Talent Engagement Engine.Blinded CVs to be named as “Redacted” instead of “Blinded” (ticket ref #36578)We’ve reworded the file names that the system gives to Blinded CV’s by replacing “Blinded” to “Redacted”. These changes were released on 5th April. 2023, in version v3.342.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.340 Release Notes 8 March 2023

NEWAccessibility - Adding Alt tag on Spinner Image (ticket ref #36392)We’ve added an alt tag to the spinner image that displays when data is loading. This will improve our system’s accessibility for users that use screen readers.Ability to add a Blank/New Entry to Data Dictionary (ticket ref #35968)We’ve added an ‘Add Blank’ option within the Data Dictionary. This allows users to manually create custom entries in the Data Dictionary easier than before.  Allow status group choice for Talent Engage Adverts (ticket ref #36259)We’ve made it possible to control visibility of Talent Engage Adverts based on Status Groups. This will give users a simpler method to control what statuses a candidate can see certain adverts on without having to manually add each individual status.Allow Report Hub to filter by ID (ticket ref #36363)We’ve made the search bar in Report Hub allow users to search/filter the reports by ID rather than only by Name. This will give users more control when navigating their reports. Save filter value when going back to list in stats reports (ticket ref #36244)When a user uses the ‘Back to List’ button after viewing a Statistics Report, we’ve made it so the Report List page will save whatever text the user had entered into the Filter.This will allow users to more easily navigate between various reports.FAQ Topic ordering (ticket ref #35988)Users can now configure the order of the FAQ Topics that display within an FAQ Section FIXESIcon not properly displaying on some date picker items (ticket ref #36388)We’ve fixed an issue where some date picker items weren’t correctly showing the calendar icon. fmttime="date_format_short" defaulting to MM/DD/YYYY (ticket ref #35482)Date_format_short should default to DD/MM/YYYY (which can be changed using the feature.default.datetime_locale configuration value).We’ve fixed an issue where some users were seeing the default as MM/DD/YYYY. No date earlier than 2012 for date picker (ticket ref #36461)We’ve fixed an issue where some date picker items weren’t allowing users to select a date earlier than 2012.FAQ page cursor inconsistencies (ticket ref #36436)We’ve fixed an issue where FAQ section buttons that weren’t expandable (show a ‘+’ icon) don’t correctly change the user’s cursor to a hand pointer. Accessibility - Focus Indicator Issues on top row of icons in HCT (ticket ref #We’ve fixed an issue with how the Focus Indicator interacted with the Magnifying Glass and Advanced Search buttons when using the High Contrast Theme. Hidden But Active items showing on unauthenticated feedback forms (ticket ref #36261)We’ve fixed an issue where some unauthenticated feedback forms were incorrectly showing items that were configured to be ‘Hidden But Active’. Email Template preview error in config (ticket ref #36423)We’ve fixed an issue where some config users were receiving an error when using the ‘Preview’ tool during Email Template Configuration. Unable to edit source code for Item labels (ticket ref #36310)We’ve fixed an issue where config users were unable to edit the ‘Source Code’ when editing an Item’s label text These changes were released on 8th March 2023, in version v3.340.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.339 Release Notes 23 February 2023

NEWSearch Criteria - ‘Add all’ to append list rather than replace (ticket ref #35980)We’ve changed how a list of values in Advanced Search Criteria works. If you have filtered the list of values and click on ‘Add all’ it will now add all the values to the existing list of selected values. Previously, it would replace the list.Accessibility - Keyboard control of User Profile menu (ticket ref #35772)We’ve improved the accessibility of the User Profile menu so that when a user is tabbing through the menu options, they are able to hit ‘Return’/’Enter’ to select a menu option.Change help centre sections to be fully clickable (ticket ref #35920)We’ve made it so the help sections within the Help Centre are more easily clickable. Previously, only the text was clickable. This update makes the entire box clickable.Save as new layout button (ticket ref #35679)When customising layouts, we’ve added a ‘Save as new layout’ button to make it easier for users to save their layout.Show email title when editing in advanced mode (ticket ref #36186)We’ve added the Email Title to the top bar when editing an email in ‘Advanced Mode’.Configurable change: Add branding to one shot application forms (ticket ref #35815)We’ve made it possible to brand one shot application forms similarly to how unauthenticated feedback forms are branded.Configurable change: Allow multiple company IDs for linkedin posting (ticket ref #36179)We’ve made it possible for a system to handle multiple LinkedIn Company IDs.This allows for companies that share the same Oleeo system to be able to post their jobs onto the correct Company Jobs page within LinkedIn.There’s a new field in the Job Board configuration called ‘LinkedIn Company ID’. That allows for each configured job board to be assigned to a specific company.Configurable change: Allow minimum word counts on form items where it is applicable (ticket ref #35686)We’ve added ‘Minimum Word Count’ as a Data Validation option for free text items. FIXESDate Picker item blanking if form fails to submit (ticket ref #35740)We’ve fixed an issue where if a form fails to submit (for example, when not all mandatory fields have been completed) any field using a Date Picker would blank out when the page reloads.This will help users save time when having to go back and correct details on a form before submitting. These changes were released on 23rd February 2023, in version v3.339.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.338 Release Notes 8 February 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Add ‘date picker’ option for date items (ticket ref #35560)We’ve added a new ‘Item Type’ option to the Field Properties of ‘Date’ times called ‘Date Picker’.Selecting this option will allow the user (Recruiter or Candidate depending on the form) to see a ‘Calendar’ icon which they can select to pick their date from a calendar.Configurable change: Disable ability to attach local files to emails (ticket ref #35478)We’ve made the ability to attach local files to emails access controllable.Activity profiles can now be updated to prevent those users from attaching local files to emails. This will allow our customers to have tighter security controls over what their users are doing.Add option to remember the column filter state (ticket ref #35174)We’ve added an option for users to allow the system to remember whether or not they are using the ‘Column Filter’ feature.This option is enabled by the user in their ‘Your Account’ page.Allow recruiter users to toggle on and off pdfs in Report Hub (ticket ref #34958)We’ve made  it possible for users creating reports in Report Hub to set whether or not they want the email to include a PDF of the report.FIXESFixing form visibility rules when multiple forms are open (ticket ref #34934)We’ve fixed a defect that sometimes occurred with visibility rules on forms when multiple forms are open at the same time.These changes were released on 8th February 2023, in version v3.338. All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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Coming soon: New Vacancy Management Interface

Oleeo is updating its user interface (UI) and user experieces (UX) because, not only do we want to deliver functionality that helps you recruit the right talent, but we want the experience of doing it to be efficient, streamlined and intuitive. ​​We’re taking a phased approach to these updates, both to allow our dev teams to respond to feedback, and so users aren’t confronted with a whole system that looks different overnight. Last year we rolled out our improvements to the left hand menu and search - now, we’re focusing on vacancies. Our UX team have worked with users to uncover and understand the challenges they face when working with vacancies. From this, we designed a new vacancy dashboard focused around core areas of improvement, including:  Straightforward vacancy creation Simplified navigation through condensed tabs A single point of editing Dashboard widgets - displaying applications and status relevant informationPreview of the upcoming new vacancy dashboardAs we approach the go live date, we’ll be working with customers directly to let them know when they can expect the update to appear in their system, and guiding them through the transition. Learn more about the new interface Read our user guide for detailed look at the new condensed tabs.  Tips on getting started with the new look How to use the application listFor simplicity, we’ve used the term vacancy here to refer to what might be called opportunity or requisition in your system. The update will conform to whatever term your system uses. 

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