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Date format on job alerts changed to make it clearer (ticket ref #40265)

When a candidate edits a job alert, they will see a line of text saying how long the alert will be active. Candidates may be used to reading dates in a different format, so to make this more accessible - the formatting has been altered to make it immediately clear which month the alert will expire in. 


Option to add branding to unauthenticated feedback forms introduced (ticket ref #39990) ⚙️

This is a configurable change. To help organisations to have consistent visual identity across their recruitment process - it’s now possible to apply branding via CSS to unauthenticated feedback forms (e.g reference forms) as well the confirmation page that displays when a deeplink is used (e.g an external user approving an offer or a vacancy).

Icons added to process rules to help distinguish different functions (ticket ref #39831)

When looking at process rules, it can be tricky to see at a glance what is happening at each stage. We’ve introducing icons to help users quickly identify rule settings. 

  • Eye = a visibility rule is set 


  • Forked arrow = a trigger rule has been set 


  • Crossed out eye = the ‘show’ property on the rule has been unchecked


  • Detective = ‘allow anonymous’ is checked 



To help users understand the icons - we’ve also added a tool tip to each icon that explains the rule. Hover over an icon to make the tool tip show. 



These changes were released on 24th July 2024 in version v3.375.

⚙️The gear icon indicates a configurable change.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.