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Terms & Conditions


The Oleeo Community site (Community at is owned and operated by Oleeo Limited (Oleeo), a company registered in England and Wales (company no. 3813540) whose registered address is : 5-7 Bridgeworks, The Crescent, London, SW19 8DR UK.

These Terms of Use set out important information about your rights, obligations and the restrictions that apply to you when you access and use the Community. By accessing this website, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

By accessing and using the Community, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms of Use, so please read them carefully. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms of Use, you should not use the Community.


Oleeo may update and amend these Terms of Use from time to time. Any changes will be posted on the Community and it is your responsibility to check for updates. Oleeo may also update or change the features and functionality of the Community from time to time, at Oleeo’s discretion. Oleeo last updated these Terms of Use on 5th June 2024. Oleeo will post all updates to the Community. By continuing to access the Community your access and use will be subject to these updates and amendments. If you do not agree with them, discontinue use of the Community.

Use of the Community

The Community is a place where members can share knowledge and experiences about Oleeo, get information and help other customers and members find an answer. By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you agree that you will only use the Community to post, send and receive messages and material that are appropriate and related to the purpose of the Community and that you will not misuse the Community. You also agree that any content you post is to the best of your knowledge, accurate.

You will not use the Community to upload, post, transmit, display, copy, distribute, advertise, promote, make available, continue to make available or otherwise communicate to the public:

(a) any content that is abusive, hateful, inflammatory, libellous, defamatory, offensive, pornographic or obscene, that promotes or incites violence, terrorism, illegal acts, or hatred on the grounds of race, ethnicity, cultural identity, religious belief, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation, or is otherwise objectionable in Oleeo’s reasonable discretion or is likely to threaten, exploit, harass, upset or embarrass others;

(b) any content that violates, plagiarises, misappropriates or infringes the rights of third parties including, without limitation, copyright, trademark rights, database rights, rights of privacy or publicity, confidential information or any other right or which breaches any agreements you have with others;

(c) any content that violates, breaches or is contrary to any law, rule, regulation, court order or is otherwise is illegal or unlawful in Oleeo’s reasonable opinion;

(d) any material of any kind that contains any malware including but not limited to: virus, Trojan horse, spyware, adware, ransomware, scareware, bot, time bomb, worm, or other harmful or malicious component, which or might overburden, impair or disrupt the Community or servers or networks forming part of, or connected to, the Community, or which does or might restrict or inhibit any other user's use and enjoyment of the Community;

(e) any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional messages, spam or any other form of solicitation, including advertising any of your own products or services; or

(f) do anything that is detrimental to the quality or the intended spirit of the Community, or that is not relevant to the topic of discussion and you may only submit a comment once.

When using the Community, you must not:

(a) impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with Oleeo or any other person or entity;

(b) use or attempt to use another person’s Community account or password or otherwise avoid, disable or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the Community;

(c) collect or attempt to collect personal data, or any other kind of information about other users, including without limitation, through spidering or any form of scraping;

(d) employ scraping or similar techniques to aggregate, repurpose, republish or otherwise make use of any content or hyperlink to images or other non-hypertext content on the Community on other webpages;

(e) employ any techniques or make use of any services, automated or otherwise, designed to misrepresent the popularity of your posts on the Community, or to misrepresent your activity on the Community; or;

(f) post personal information (e.g. telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.) of yourself, other people or companies


Oleeo reserves the right to review any text, images, audio-visual content and other data that you upload, post or make available on or via the Community (your “Content”) to determine whether the Content complies with these Terms of Use but cannot review all of the content posted to the Community and therefore cannot be responsible for that content , use of effects. By operating the Community Oleeo does not represent or imply that it endorses the content posted or that Oleeo believes such content to be accurate, useful or harmless.

Oleeo reserves the right to edit or delete any of your content at any time, in its sole discretion, or to terminate your Community account or take such other action as necessary if you breach these Terms of Use. This includes reporting any such breaches to the relevant authorities or taking such other action as necessary (including court action).

Oleeo reserves the right to amend, redact and delete Content temporarily or permanently at any time at its sole discretion without notice to you. Oleeo also reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your access to any part, or all, of the Community at any time at its sole discretion and without notice to you.

Your Content

Any Content that you post, upload, provide or submit to the Community is generated, owned and controlled solely by you, and not by Oleeo. You acknowledge and agree that your Content remains your sole responsibility and you agree not to wrongly imply that your Content is approved or sponsored or associated with Oleeo. Your Content will remain visible within the Community, only accessible via login authentication and not available to the general public who visit the Oleeo website.

By using the Community, you grant Oleeo (and its affiliated companies or service providers) a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, sub-licensable and transferable right and licence to use, adapt, reproduce, translate, create derivative works, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, edit, translate and reformat your Content and you licence Oleeo to provide Content that you submit to the Community to other users of the Community. You acknowledge that others who view and receive Content you submit to the forum may No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Content by Oleeo, and Oleeo has no obligation to post or use any Content you may provide.

Oleeo’s Content

All intellectual property rights in this Community and all material or content supplied or made available by Oleeo on the Community will remain at all times the property of Oleeo or Oleeo’s licensors. We reserve all of our rights in respect of Oleeo’s content on the Community.

The names, images and logos identifying Oleeo and its subsidiaries, partners or third parties and their products and services contained in the Community are proprietary marks and may not be reproduced or otherwise used by you without our written permission. There is no licence or right (implied or otherwise) conferred for you to use any trade mark, patent, design right or copyright of Oleeo or of any third party. Other intellectual property such as trademarks, logos and graphics may be the intellectual property of third parties. In making contributions to the Community you agree that Oleeo has the right to reproduce your content and may not acknowledge its source.

Personal Information that we collect

Oleeo Community requires you to provide us with a user name, your email address, and your company name. Your email and company name allows us to verify your account during setup to maintain the integrity of the Community. Your user name is what other users of the Oleeo Community can see; they will not see your email or company name and are unable to contact you outside of the Community. Should you wish to leave the Community, please see the section on Account Deletion.


Oleeo makes available the Community to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis with no warranty, as far as permitted by law including the warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. and does not guarantee the availability of the Community. Oleeo also makes no representations or guarantees that the Community will be free from errors or omissions or that it will be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition. It is solely your responsibility to maintain adequate anti-virus software on your personal computer at all times whilst accessing the Community. You accept all risk of using and accessing the Community and content on the Community.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, Oleeo does not accept any liability for: (a) any damage or loss you suffer as a result of your use of the Community, including any damage to your computer, any software or for any loss of data that results; (b) any failure, suspensions or termination of access to the Community or any content in connection with or arising out of any event or circumstance beyond Oleeo’s reasonable control, or due to any compliance with applicable laws or regulations; and (c) any claims brought against you by a third party, howsoever arising.

Nothing in these Terms of Use will limit Oleeo’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or for fraud, or for any form of liability which cannot be limited or excluded by law.

You will indemnify Oleeo against any loss, damage or expense incurred by Oleeo (or its affiliates) arising out of: (a) your breach of these Terms of Use; (b) misuse of the Community or the information accessible through the Community; and (c) any third party claim of infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights arising from the hosting of your Content on the Community or the actual use of your Content by other users of the Community or by Oleeo. You agree to notify Oleeo of any legal claims for which you might have to indemnify Oleeo as soon as possible. You agree to allow Oleeo to control any defence, and settlement of legal claims for which you would have to indemnify Oleeo. You agree to cooperate with Oleeo.

Account Deletion and Termination

Oleeo or you may terminate the agreement made between us on these Terms of Use at any time. When this agreement ends you may no longer access or use the Community. At any time you can write to from the email address associated with your account and request that your account be deleted. Oleeo is not obligated to automatically delete your Oleeo Community account. Account deletion could take up to 30 days. Any activity you post or any information you have on your Oleeo Community profile, is submitted at your own risk, until you request that your Community account is deleted, or until the Oleeo Community is discontinued. Should you request your account to be deleted, your posts and comments will remain on the Community but your name will be anonymised. Oleeo may in its sole discretion, and at any time, discontinue providing the Community, or any part of it, with or without notice.

You agree that your Community account and any Content you post may not be automatically deleted even after your use of the Community has ceased, unless this is requested in writing directly to Oleeo.

General Terms

These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of England and Wales over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

A failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy provided by these Terms of Use or by law does not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or a waiver of other rights or remedies.

In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be modified as necessary to make it enforceable or will be severed from these terms.

You shall not be entitled to assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of your rights or obligations. Oleeo may assign your agreement to any affiliate or a company that may acquire Oleeo at any time.


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  • Basic: Functional
  • Normal: Functional + analytics
  • Complete: Functional + analytics + social media + embedded videos

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We collect browsing data from you to continuously improve your experience. We will not spam you nor sell it to other parties.