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Ability to create a new private layout from an amended existing private layout (ticket ref #39126)

If a user is working with a private layout and makes a change to it e.g adding a new column - they now have the option to easily save the amended layout as a new private layout, rather than having to rebuilt the whole layout from scratch to use it again. 

To save a new private layout from an amended existing private layout - go to Save Options, give it a title and tick Make a copy. 


Ability to open search results in a new tab (ticket ref #38935) 

Often when searching by a keyword to find an application or vacancy, there will be multiple items in the search results that you want to view at the same time. Users can now open search results into new separate tabs. 

There are several ways users can open search results into a new tab:

  • Right clicking on the search result and selecting ‘open link in new tab’
  • Clicking the search result with the mouse scroll wheel
  • Clicking the link and the CTRL key simultaneously 


Vacancy ID  number added to ‘Recent’ tab in left hand menu (ticket ref #38760)

The Recent display for opportunities/vacancies in the left hand menu now shows the ID number with the title, making it easier to distinguish between opportunities with the same name. 


These changes were released on 7th March 2024, in version v3.365.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.