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Now possible to add a ‘Create Referral’ quick to homepage dashboard (ticket ref #39825)
To make it quicker and easier for users to start the referral process, you can now add ‘Create Referral’ as a quick link to the homepage dashboard. 



Ability to filter SMS templates according to whether they’re deprecated (ticket ref #39813) 
We want to make it easier for users to filter out SMS templates that are not longer relevant. To do this, we’ve  added ‘Is deprecated’ as a column to the SMS template list. Users can now filter the list so only active templates are shown.



Description field for all lookup lists is no longer mandatory (ticket ref #39826)
Now when creating any type of lookup list, the field ‘list description’ is no longer mandatory. Reducing the number of mandatory fields should make it quicker to make lookup lists. 



When creating a lookup list, the multiple values checkbox is more visible (ticket ref #39766)
The multiple values check box for lookup lists has been moved further up the page, so it’s harder to overlook when creating a list. 


These changes were released on 30th May 2024, in version v3.371.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.