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Job alerts will automatically deactivate after six months (ticket ref #35902)

To improve job alert emails for both candidates and recruiters, we’ve introduced a time limit. When a candidate signs up for a job alert, by default it will be set to run for six months. The candidate will also have the option to set the alert to run for nine or 12 months, via the drop down menu. After the time limit passes, the candidate will not longer receive that job alert. 

By setting job alerts to automatically deactivate (but not delete) after a certain period of time - candidates are less likely to receive job alerts when they’re no longer relevant, and are therefore less likely to report them as spam. Overall this will improve the system’s sensibility reputation.



Misleading messaging on mobile site corrected (ticket ref #39744)

On our mobile site, there was a messaging error relating to CV processing when there was no CV. We’ve corrected the wording so it’s clear whether or not there is a CV present. 

These changes were released on 13th June 2024, in version v3.372.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.