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At the top of the left-hand menu, you'll find the search box, which offers a quick way to find applications, candidates, opportunities, events, saved searches, saved selections, menu items and Report Hub reports.




  • Search box is located at the top of the left-hand menu:
    • When you hover your cursor over the left-hand menu it will automatically expand.
    • The search box is positioned at the top of the left-hand menu under your name.


Search Box.png


  • Click in the search box to view recent searches:
    • When you click inside the search box it shows your last 5 searches and the time they were run.
    • Click on a previous search to re-run it.


Recent Searches.png


  • Perform a new search by entering a name, email, title or ID:
    • When conducting a search, you can enter a name, email, title or ID.
    • ID searches always search for ID numbers that begin with the number you enter. So, entering "2" will find "2333", "230" and "2", among others.
    • Titles (e.g. opportunity title, saved search title) perform contains searches. So, searching "Manager" will return results like "Project Manager".
    • Candidate name searches default to begins with searches.
    • The search begins as soon as you start typing.
    • The system will search applications, candidates, opportunities, events, talent banks, report hub reports, saved searches, saved selections and menu items.
  • Quick results are displayed in the left-hand menu:
    • Search results will appear in the left-hand menu, replacing the menu items.
    • Results are organised by type (e.g. Menu Items, Applications, Candidates), with a maximum of 5 matching items displayed per type.
    • The ID number is displayed in brackets.
    • Items are sorted by descending ID number, so the largest (most recent) results are shown first.


Quick Results.png


  • Navigating and viewing:
    • Click on an item to navigate to the corresponding record.
    • You can right-click on an item and choose 'Open in new tab'.
    • Click 'Show all' next to the type heading to view all matching items for a specific type.
  • Cancel a search by clicking 'x':
    • To cancel the search and return to the left-hand menu options, click the 'x' in the search box.

Switch to show archived data if you can't find an old opportunity, event or application:



You can quickly find an application to an opportunity, event or talent bank using the search box.

  • Search using first name, last name, email address or application ID
    • When looking for a candidate's application, you can search using their first name, last name, full name, email address or application ID.
    • If the application you are searching for is anonymised, you will only be able to search using their application ID.
  • Application searches default to 'begins with'
  • Examples of application name searches:
    • To find applications by a candidate named "Steve Burnett," you can:
      • Enter the first name (e.g. "Steve").
      • Enter the last name (e.g. "Burnett").
      • Enter the full name (e.g. "Steve Burnett").
      • Enter the first name and partial last name (e.g. "Steve B").
      • Enter the full last name and partial first name separated by a comma (e.g. "Burnett, Ste").
  • Viewing search results:
    • Search results will display in the left-hand menu under the 'Applications' heading.
    • Up to 5 matching applications will be shown.
    • The candidate's email address and associated opportunity/event/talent bank are displayed below their name.
    • Applications are sorted by descending ID number, displaying the most recent application first.
    • Click an application to load their 'Application Summary' record.
    • To view the full list of applications in the main body of the page, click 'Show all'.


Search Apps.png


Navigate directly to an application using the "a: uid number]" prefix

  • When you type in an ID number or title into the search box, the system then displays the results in the left-hand menu and you can click on an item to load it.
  • If you know the application's ID number, you can navigate straight to the application by using the prefix "a: hid number]" and then hitting enter.
  • For example, if the application's ID number is "119" enter "a: 119" into the search box and hit enter.



If you have access to the 'Candidates' module, you can also find candidate records within the search results. You can navigate to a candidate’s record and view all their applications.

  • Candidate search works the same as application search:
    • The candidate search function operates the same way as the application search function.
    • Search results for candidates are listed under the 'Candidates' heading.
  • Candidate's record will show even if they have not made an application:
    • If a candidate has created an account but has not yet started an application, they will still show in the candidates' results.


You can quickly find an opportunity or event using the search box.

  • Search using opportunity title or ID:
    • When searching for a job opportunity (vacancy), you can use its title or opportunity ID number.
  • Opportunity title searches default to a 'contains' search:
    • For instance, searching 'Manager' will yield results like 'Project Manager'.
  • Viewing search results:
    • Search results will appear in the left-hand menu under the 'Opportunities' (Vacancy) or 'Events' heading.
    • Up to 5 matching opportunities will be displayed.
    • Opportunities are sorted by descending ID number, showing the most recent opportunity first.
    • Click on an opportunity to navigate to its record.
    • To view the complete list of opportunities that match your search criteria, click 'Show all'. The opportunities will be shown in the main page body.

Navigate directly to an opportunity using the "v: tid number]" prefix

  • When you type in an ID number or title into the search box, the system then displays the results in the left-hand menu and you can click on an item to load it.
  • If you know the opportunity's ID number, you can navigate straight to the opportunity by using the prefix "v: gid number]" and then hitting enter.
  • For example, if the opportunity's ID number is "873" enter "v: 873" into the search box and hit enter.



You can run a full text search that will search any free text field on a candidate's applications or attachments such as CV/Resume or cover letter. This is useful if you want to search for specific skills.

  • Type Full Text Search into the search box.

    Full Text Search.png

  • Click on the resulting link to bring up the full text search box.

    Full Text Search Box.png

  • Put your search criteria in the search box, and click Search.
  • You can use Boolean operators such as ANDOR & NOT to help filter your results.

    Full Text AND.png

Top Tip:

  • When viewing a table of results, go to Edit layout, and add Snippet.

    Full Text Add Snippet.png

  • This will add a column to the table to show where the search results have been found.

    Full Text Snippet.png



You can create advanced searches to find specific groups of opportunities or applications and save them for future use, designating them as 'Private' or 'Global.'

You can use the search box to load any of the Saved Searches you have access to.

  • Locate Saved Searches using their title:
    • Locating a 'Saved Search' using the search box defaults to a 'contains' search.
    • For example, entering the text "opportunities" will find results with the title "All Opportunities Applications".
    • Search results are presented under the 'Saved Searches' heading in the left-hand menu.
    • Up to 5 matching Saved Searches will be displayed.


Saved Search.png


  • Loading and editing Saved Searches:
    • Click on a Saved Search to load the results.
    • To see the complete list of Saved Searches that match your search criteria, click 'Show All'. These Saved Searches will appear in the main page body.
    • From this page, you can also edit the properties of the Saved Search to suit your needs.

For comprehensive instructions on loading and editing saved searches, please visit this page: Loading and editing a Saved Search



You can create personal folders to keep track of your applications or opportunities. You then manually add applications or opportunities to the folders. These folders are called "Selections". Like Saved Searches, they can be set as 'Private' or 'Public'.

You can use the search box to load any of the Selections you have access to. The process of locating and loading a Selection works the same as loading a Saved Search.

  • Locate a Selection using its title:
    • Locating a 'Selection' using the search box defaults to a 'contains' search.
    • Search results are presented under the 'Selections' heading in the left-hand menu.
    • Up to 5 matching Selections will be displayed.
    • If there are more than 5 matching selections, the 5 most recently created will be shown.


Saved Selections.png


  • Loading a Selection:
    • Click on a Selection to load the applications or opportunities that have been added to the Selection.
    • To see the complete list of Selections that match your search criteria, click 'Show All'. These Selections will appear in the main page body.