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Use the prefix a: [application id number] or v:[vacancy id number] in search to navigate directly to an application or vacancy 
This is an enhancement to how search works in Oleeo’s new user interface. If you know the ID number of the application or vacancy  you want to navigate to, you can use a prefix followed by the appropriate ID number to get there. 

  • To go straight to an application, type a:papplication ID number] into search, and hit enter 
  • To go straight to a vacancy, type v:yvacancy ID number] into search, and hit enter. 

The option to set agency users to become inactive after a specified period of not logging in 

This is an update to existing functionality, which allows you to set recruiter users to inactive if they don’t log in for a specified number of days. Now you also have the option to set agency users to inactive, as well as setting if they receive an email if they try to access their deactivated account. If a deactivated users wants to access their account again, they will have to be reactivated by a system admin.

These changes were released on 13 December 2023, in version v3.360.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.