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Configurable change: Allow candidate / application summary to show as a form (ticket ref #38022)

It’s now possible to configure the data displayed within the summary section of the Application and Candidate Summary pages via a Form instead of a Table Layout. 

Being able to use Forms adds flexibility to the summary section. Config users can add things like Labels and Visibility rules to control what information is displayed.

Configurable change: UK Driving Licence form validation (ticket ref #37813)
We’ve added a new ‘Validation Type’ called ‘UK Driving Licence’. Adding this to a free text item allows you to ensure that when capturing a candidates UK Driving Licence, it will be accurate.

Convert all xls imports/exports into xlsx imports/exports (ticket ref #37821)
Previously, users could only import xls files. Our export/import functionality now supports xlsx. Adding support for xlsx will make these tools more usable.
This will include areas such as:

  • Importing/Exporting Applications
  • Importing/Exporting Vacancies
  • Importing/Exporting List Values
  • Importing/Exporting Items 
  • Importing/Exporting Statistics Reports


Date fields no longer editable in spreadsheet mode (ticket ref #37983)

We’ve fixed an issue where users were unable to edit date fields when using ‘spreadsheet mode’ within the Application and Vacancy list views.

Time displaying incorrectly in form (ticket ref #35257)
We’ve fixed an issue with time fields in forms when printing/exporting as PDF. It will now display time only. 

Word Count and Error Message Not Displaying if Label has a Line or Page Break (ticket ref #38064)
We’ve fixed an error where large free text fields with a word limit weren’t correctly displaying the word count or word count exceeded message.

These changes were released on 18th October 2023, in version v3.356.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.