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Configurable change: Access control referral matched candidate info (ticket ref #37033)

A new access control URL has been added - /VIRT/ats/referral/view/display_candidate_details - which controls whether a user can see matched candidate information when viewing a referral they have made. 

Application Summary "Forms" tab filtering (ticket ref #35784)

The forms tab in the application summary now contains a filter which you can use to narrow down forms associated to an application.

Use candidate brand as one shot form fallback (ticket ref #36961)

One shot forms will now fall back to the system candidate branding if they haven’t been assigned specific branding.

Allow app form resubmission in parallel processes (ticket ref #37035)

You should now be able to re-submit forms included in a parallel process.

Consistent "log history on change" when copying vacancies (ticket ref #37074)

Copying vacancies now logs a history entry for each item that is set to "log history on change", mirroring standard vacancy creation behaviour.

Improved mapping exports (ticket ref #37096)

Mapping exports have been enhanced according to implementation consultant feedback.

Exports now include tabs for lookup values and a column for lookup value name rather than just ID. 

These changes were released on 14th June 2023, in version v3.347.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.