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Accessibility - Adding Alt tag on Spinner Image (ticket ref #36392)
We’ve added an alt tag to the spinner image that displays when data is loading. This will improve our system’s accessibility for users that use screen readers.

Ability to add a Blank/New Entry to Data Dictionary (ticket ref #35968)

We’ve added an ‘Add Blank’ option within the Data Dictionary. This allows users to manually create custom entries in the Data Dictionary easier than before. 

Allow status group choice for Talent Engage Adverts (ticket ref #36259)

We’ve made it possible to control visibility of Talent Engage Adverts based on Status Groups. This will give users a simpler method to control what statuses a candidate can see certain adverts on without having to manually add each individual status.

Allow Report Hub to filter by ID (ticket ref #36363)

We’ve made the search bar in Report Hub allow users to search/filter the reports by ID rather than only by Name. This will give users more control when navigating their reports. 

Save filter value when going back to list in stats reports (ticket ref #36244)

When a user uses the ‘Back to List’ button after viewing a Statistics Report, we’ve made it so the Report List page will save whatever text the user had entered into the Filter.

This will allow users to more easily navigate between various reports.

FAQ Topic ordering (ticket ref #35988)

Users can now configure the order of the FAQ Topics that display within an FAQ Section


Icon not properly displaying on some date picker items (ticket ref #36388)

We’ve fixed an issue where some date picker items weren’t correctly showing the calendar icon. 

fmttime="date_format_short" defaulting to MM/DD/YYYY (ticket ref #35482)

Date_format_short should default to DD/MM/YYYY (which can be changed using the feature.default.datetime_locale configuration value).

We’ve fixed an issue where some users were seeing the default as MM/DD/YYYY. 

No date earlier than 2012 for date picker (ticket ref #36461)

We’ve fixed an issue where some date picker items weren’t allowing users to select a date earlier than 2012.

FAQ page cursor inconsistencies (ticket ref #36436)

We’ve fixed an issue where FAQ section buttons that weren’t expandable (show a ‘+’ icon) don’t correctly change the user’s cursor to a hand pointer. 

Accessibility - Focus Indicator Issues on top row of icons in HCT (ticket ref #

We’ve fixed an issue with how the Focus Indicator interacted with the Magnifying Glass and Advanced Search buttons when using the High Contrast Theme. 

Hidden But Active items showing on unauthenticated feedback forms (ticket ref #36261)

We’ve fixed an issue where some unauthenticated feedback forms were incorrectly showing items that were configured to be ‘Hidden But Active’. 

Email Template preview error in config (ticket ref #36423)

We’ve fixed an issue where some config users were receiving an error when using the ‘Preview’ tool during Email Template Configuration. 

Unable to edit source code for Item labels (ticket ref #36310)

We’ve fixed an issue where config users were unable to edit the ‘Source Code’ when editing an Item’s label text

These changes were released on 8th March 2023, in version v3.340.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.