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Search Criteria - ‘Add all’ to append list rather than replace (ticket ref #35980)
We’ve changed how a list of values in Advanced Search Criteria works. If you have filtered the list of values and click on ‘Add all’ it will now add all the values to the existing list of selected values. Previously, it would replace the list.

Accessibility - Keyboard control of User Profile menu (ticket ref #35772)
We’ve improved the accessibility of the User Profile menu so that when a user is tabbing through the menu options, they are able to hit ‘Return’/’Enter’ to select a menu option.

Change help centre sections to be fully clickable (ticket ref #35920)
We’ve made it so the help sections within the Help Centre are more easily clickable. Previously, only the text was clickable. This update makes the entire box clickable.

Save as new layout button (ticket ref #35679)
When customising layouts, we’ve added a ‘Save as new layout’ button to make it easier for users to save their layout.

Show email title when editing in advanced mode (ticket ref #36186)

We’ve added the Email Title to the top bar when editing an email in ‘Advanced Mode’.

Configurable change: Add branding to one shot application forms (ticket ref #35815)

We’ve made it possible to brand one shot application forms similarly to how unauthenticated feedback forms are branded.

Configurable change: Allow multiple company IDs for linkedin posting (ticket ref #36179)

We’ve made it possible for a system to handle multiple LinkedIn Company IDs.

This allows for companies that share the same Oleeo system to be able to post their jobs onto the correct Company Jobs page within LinkedIn.

There’s a new field in the Job Board configuration called ‘LinkedIn Company ID’. That allows for each configured job board to be assigned to a specific company.

Configurable change: Allow minimum word counts on form items where it is applicable (ticket ref #35686)

We’ve added ‘Minimum Word Count’ as a Data Validation option for free text items.


Date Picker item blanking if form fails to submit (ticket ref #35740)

We’ve fixed an issue where if a form fails to submit (for example, when not all mandatory fields have been completed) any field using a Date Picker would blank out when the page reloads.

This will help users save time when having to go back and correct details on a form before submitting.

These changes were released on 23rd February 2023, in version v3.339.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.