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Active/inactive flag for mapping lookup exports (ticket ref #37422)

Mapping exports will now include the active flag for each lookup exported along with the map, so you can tell at a glance which values should be removed or avoided when updating a map.

Export opportunity list in campaigns (ticket ref #37437)
You can now export the list of vacancies assigned in a campaign in the "opportunities" tab of a campaign.

"Global Notifications" menu entry moved nearer to reference settings (ticket ref #37530)

The global notifications left hand menu entry has been moved just below the reference settings for ease of discovery, as it relates to reference functionality.

Week option added to custom reporting periods (ticket ref #37069)

You are now able to select a "week" option when creating a custom reporting period in the report hub.

These changes were released on 27th July 2023, in version v3.350.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.