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Configurable change: Add ‘date picker’ option for date items (ticket ref #35560)

We’ve added a new ‘Item Type’ option to the Field Properties of ‘Date’ times called ‘Date Picker’.

Selecting this option will allow the user (Recruiter or Candidate depending on the form) to see a ‘Calendar’ icon which they can select to pick their date from a calendar.

Configurable change: Disable ability to attach local files to emails (ticket ref #35478)

We’ve made the ability to attach local files to emails access controllable.

Activity profiles can now be updated to prevent those users from attaching local files to emails. This will allow our customers to have tighter security controls over what their users are doing.

Add option to remember the column filter state (ticket ref #35174)

We’ve added an option for users to allow the system to remember whether or not they are using the ‘Column Filter’ feature.

This option is enabled by the user in their ‘Your Account’ page.

Allow recruiter users to toggle on and off pdfs in Report Hub (ticket ref #34958)
We’ve made  it possible for users creating reports in Report Hub to set whether or not they want the email to include a PDF of the report.


Fixing form visibility rules when multiple forms are open (ticket ref #34934)

We’ve fixed a defect that sometimes occurred with visibility rules on forms when multiple forms are open at the same time.

These changes were released on 8th February 2023, in version v3.338.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.