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The tabs have been condensed on the new vacancy management interface to reduce visual clutter, with less frequently used tabs hidden. You can still easily access the additional tabs and customise which tabs are displayed to you.




On the new vacancy management interface, the following tabs are displayed by default as standard:

  • Summary:
    • Introduced with the new vacancy management interface. 
    • This tab features an 'Applications in Stage' widget and a 'List Applications' widget, providing quick access to your applications.
  • Interviews:
    • Displays interviews associated with the vacancy.
    • Depending on your system setup, you may create interviews from this tab.
  • Posting (sometimes labelled 'Oleeo Portal(s)'):
    • Use this tab to publish the vacancy on your job boards.
  • External Posting (if enabled on your system):
    • Post your vacancy to external job boards using this tab.
  • Agency Posting (if enabled on your system):
    • Post vacancies to agencies through this tab.
  • History:
    • Shows a comprehensive audit trail of all activity related to the vacancy since its creation.
Default tabs on new vacancy management interface.



To reduce visual clutter, the following tabs are hidden by default:

  • Description (sometimes labelled ‘Forms’):

    • Contains forms detailing the opportunity description attached to the vacancy.

  • Settings (formerly known as Details):
    • Allows modification of system fields such as Title, Live Date, and Closing Date for the vacancy.
  • Candidate Forms:
    • Lists statuses with linked candidate forms and provides the option to change attached forms, though this is rarely necessary.
  • Participants:
    • Allows granting additional access to the vacancy.
  • Applications:
    • This tab provides a table that summarises the number of applications in each status. 
    • Use this tab to load applications in a specific status and bulk process them.
  • Cost:
    • Enables recording of incurred expenses, when enabled.
  • Search & Match:
    • Facilitates finding candidates from talent pools matching the job description, when enabled.

Note: Each tab will only be available if the corresponding feature has been enabled on your system and if your profile grants access.



  1. Click the Edit button:

    • Click the ‘Edit’ button located at the top-right of the page.
    • It could labelled ‘Edit Vacancy’, ‘Edit Opportunity’ or ‘Advanced’.
    • A pop-out modal will appear, displaying all vacancy sections not shown as tabs based on your permissions.
      ‘Edit’ button. 


  2. Navigate to section in pop-out modal:

    • Click on the section containing the fields you want to edit or review.

      Hidden tabs.


  3. Save changes:

    • If you make any changes, click ‘Save’ in the bottom-right of the page.
  4. Expand or close the pop-out:

    • Click the icons in the top-right of the pop-out to expand or close it .


Control Tab Visibility and Jump to Status:

  • You can also manage Tab Visibility and Jump to Status (formerly known as Other Status) from this pop-out module.



You have the ability to control which tabs are displayed when viewing a vacancy.

Changes made to tab visibility apply across all vacancies you view.

If a tab is made visible, it will not appear as a section in the Edit Vacancy pop-out modal.

Steps to change tab visibility:

  1. Click the Edit button:

    • Click the ‘Edit’ button located at the top-right of the page.
    • It could labelled ‘Edit Vacancy’, ‘Edit Opportunity’ or ‘Advanced’.
    • A pop-out modal will appear, displaying all vacancy sections not shown as tabs based on your permissions.
  2. Navigate to the Tab Visibility section:

    • This section is found at the bottom of the list of sections.
  3. Select Tabs to hide or show:

    • Click the Hide/Show toggle to change the setting for each tab.
    • Note: The ‘Summary’, ‘Interviews’, ‘Oleeo Portal(s)’, and ‘History’ tabs are essential and cannot be hidden.
  4. Save changes:

    • Apply your changes by clicking the ‘Save’ button at the bottom-right of the page.
    • Click the cross icon in the top-right of the modal to close it.
Tab Visibility section of pop-out modal.