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The purpose of auto deletion is to remove a candidate's application from the system, allowing you to comply with your data retention responsibilities, optimise system performance and keep in line with potential contractual limits for application numbers. 



  • This feature ensures you stay compliant with your legal obligation to have set data retention policies, thus helping you to avoiding any litigation or fines.
  • When an application is deleted, the whole application is removed from the system and the candidate record is also deleted.
  • The feature will run automatically ensuring peak system performance due to a regular clear down of records.



Systems can be configured so that applications can be automatically deleted in three ways:

1. A set period after the vacancy recruiting period has been finalised.

2. A set period after the application creation date.

3. Based on the last status change.

Applications will be assigned a deletion pool which determines how long the data will be kept for. The system allows for the creation of multiple pools, should you have different retention policies based on different criteria. 

An automatic process runs to delete candidate applications once the deletion date is reached.



The advantage of anonymisation over deletion is that remaining data is reportable and can be kept indefinitely.

The system can handle the deletion of candidate records when multiple applications have been submitted. each record will be deleted upon reaching the deletion date, until no further applications exist within the system. At this point the candidate record will also be deleted. 

When a candidate has had all of their applications deleted, they will need to create a new user account when applying for a new role with you. This is because their prior username and password will also have been deleted so the system will not recognise the candidate as a returning user. 

 A manual deletion clean up task must be completed against historic data.



Watch our GDPR webinar and speak to your Customer Success or Commercial Manager for any additional information.

Confirm what your data retention pool policies are and which method of deletion you would like to use. 



Please speak to your Commercial Manager for further information.