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v3.377 Release Notes 21 August 2024

 NEW Add copy email template button (ticket ref #40378) We’ve added the option to copy email templates in config. This should make creating new email templates quicker and easier for self-config users. Add copy sms button (ticket ref #40384)  We’ve added the option to copy SMS templates in config. This should make creating new SMS templates quicker and easier for self-config users. Add supported language: Irish (ticket ref #40386)⚙️💡 We’ve added a new available language: Irish. Like other languages on the system, if enabled, you will have translation options for areas like email templates, job descriptions, job titles, etc. Allow vertical display of checkboxes/radio buttons (ticket ref #40200)⚙️💡 We’ve made it possible to configure Checkbox and Radio Button fields in forms to display the options vertically rather than horizontally. To facilitate this, there will be a new field in the item settings called ‘Input Layout’   These changes were released on 21 August 2024 in version 3.377💡 The lightbulb icon indicates the features was based on customer feedback ⚙️The gear icon indicates a configurable change.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.376 Release Notes 07 August 2024

 NEW Configuration Notes within the Form Editor (ticket ref #39864)⚙️ We have introduced the ability to add “Configuration Notes” to various elements within forms in the Form Editor.This will help self-config users be aware of what’s configured on a form and why so that they don’t unintentionally configure something that breaks something else in the form.Users can identify elements that have ‘Configuration Notes’ by the ‘?’ icon which will appear next to them.Hovering your mouse over the ‘?’  reveals the note. New datapath for ‘last_in’ ⚙️ There’s a new datapath available to use which includes ‘last_in’.This datapath allows you to use the AGE() function to determine how long ago an application or vacancy was most recently moved into a status. Previously, this was only possible with ‘first_in’ which meant if it was common for the status to move backwards and forwards often, the calculations could be off for the purpose of the AGE() function.An example of a datapath using ‘last_in’ would be as<process_state_id>.last_inYou can then include the AGE() function to display how many days since that timestamp like this:AGE(<process_state_id>.last_in, “DAYS”) Ability to set Linkedin Company ID on a vacancy by vacancy basis⚙️💡 We’ve made it possible for the Linkedin Posting integration to check a vacancy item for the ‘Linkedin Company ID’. Currently the Linkedin Company ID is set by Oleeo Job Board or by a system-wide config key.Making it possible to be set on a vacancy by vacancy basis will allow customers that have a large number of companies using the same system be able to more easily manage their Linkedin integration Alt text for layout listing icons When editing table layouts, it’s possible to replace lookup values with icons. We’ve now made it so if you do this and a user then hovers their mouse of the icon, the lookup value that the icon represents will now display. This will also help screen readers as well as improve the overall accessibility and useability of our product.   These changes were released on 07 August 2024 in version 3.376💡 The lightbulb icon indicates the features was based on customer feedback ⚙️The gear icon indicates a configurable change.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.375 Release Notes 24 July 2024

NEWDate format on job alerts changed to make it clearer (ticket ref #40265) When a candidate edits a job alert, they will see a line of text saying how long the alert will be active. Candidates may be used to reading dates in a different format, so to make this more accessible - the formatting has been altered to make it immediately clear which month the alert will expire in. Option to add branding to unauthenticated feedback forms introduced (ticket ref #39990) ⚙️This is a configurable change. To help organisations to have consistent visual identity across their recruitment process - it’s now possible to apply branding via CSS to unauthenticated feedback forms (e.g reference forms) as well the confirmation page that displays when a deeplink is used (e.g an external user approving an offer or a vacancy).Icons added to process rules to help distinguish different functions (ticket ref #39831)When looking at process rules, it can be tricky to see at a glance what is happening at each stage. We’ve introducing icons to help users quickly identify rule settings.  Eye = a visibility rule is set  Forked arrow = a trigger rule has been set Crossed out eye = the ‘show’ property on the rule has been uncheckedDetective = ‘allow anonymous’ is checked  To help users understand the icons - we’ve also added a tool tip to each icon that explains the rule. Hover over an icon to make the tool tip show.  These changes were released on 24th July 2024 in version v3.375.⚙️The gear icon indicates a configurable change.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.372 Release Notes 13 June 2024

NEWJob alerts will automatically deactivate after six months (ticket ref #35902)To improve job alert emails for both candidates and recruiters, we’ve introduced a time limit. When a candidate signs up for a job alert, by default it will be set to run for six months. The candidate will also have the option to set the alert to run for nine or 12 months, via the drop down menu. After the time limit passes, the candidate will not longer receive that job alert. By setting job alerts to automatically deactivate (but not delete) after a certain period of time - candidates are less likely to receive job alerts when they’re no longer relevant, and are therefore less likely to report them as spam. Overall this will improve the system’s sensibility reputation.  FIXESMisleading messaging on mobile site corrected (ticket ref #39744)On our mobile site, there was a messaging error relating to CV processing when there was no CV. We’ve corrected the wording so it’s clear whether or not there is a CV present. These changes were released on 13th June 2024, in version v3.372.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.371 Release Notes 30 May 2024

NEWNow possible to add a ‘Create Referral’ quick to homepage dashboard (ticket ref #39825)To make it quicker and easier for users to start the referral process, you can now add ‘Create Referral’ as a quick link to the homepage dashboard.  Ability to filter SMS templates according to whether they’re deprecated (ticket ref #39813) We want to make it easier for users to filter out SMS templates that are not longer relevant. To do this, we’ve  added ‘Is deprecated’ as a column to the SMS template list. Users can now filter the list so only active templates are shown. Description field for all lookup lists is no longer mandatory (ticket ref #39826)Now when creating any type of lookup list, the field ‘list description’ is no longer mandatory. Reducing the number of mandatory fields should make it quicker to make lookup lists. FIXESWhen creating a lookup list, the multiple values checkbox is more visible (ticket ref #39766)The multiple values check box for lookup lists has been moved further up the page, so it’s harder to overlook when creating a list. These changes were released on 30th May 2024, in version v3.371.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.370 Release Notes 15 May 2024

NEWOne-click unsubscribe header added to CRM and job alert emails (ticket ref #39273)To make it easier for candidates to control their subscriptions, and to comply with best practice email sender guidelines, we’ve added a ‘one click’ unsubscribe headers to CRM and job alert emails. If a candidate clicks this header, they will only be unsubscribed from the specific campaign or job alert that the email in question originated from. Unsubscribe links in the body of emails will continue to operate as the currently do, and will direct the candidate to page where they can manage all their email subscriptions. Ability to search on customised columns in the Vacancy participants tab (ticket ref #39698)This is an enhancement to the existing functionality that enables users to customise and add columns to the layout on the participants tab in within Vacancy. Users are now able to use the search box to filter by additional columns. Option to add Rollup List to data dictionary (ticket ref #39424)To make it help users more quickly report on a range of data - we’re making it easier to add Rollup Lists to the data dictionary when creating them. When creating a Rollup List, there is now the option to add it data dictionary in the Details tab.  Adhoc referrer added to job alert URLs (ticket ref #39707)To help recruiters track the success and impact of job alert emails, tracking information has been added to the URL of all job alert emails, in the form of "?adhoc_referrer=JobAlert??”These changes were released on 15th May 2024, in version v3.370.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.369 Release Notes 1 May 2024

NEWStyle updates to vacancy summary, application summary, candidate summary and layout lists (ticket ref #39700) Oleeo is continually making improvements to its user experience and design. As part of this work, we’ve rolled out stylistic changes to some areas. These changes have no functional impact. and only affect the font and colour of the areas. These updates are only visible to users who adopted the new left hand menu interface last November. The screenshot below shows how the style update looks on layout list pages (i.e search results, application lists, vacancy lists). The screenshot below show the style update to vacancy summary, application summary, and candidate summary pages. Preview of available themes shown in Account settings (ticket ref #39307)We’ve updated the Theme tab in Account settings so that users see a preview image of the different themes. This makes it easier for them to decide which theme is right for them.  Option to include psychometric test results in print books (ticket ref #39509) We’ve introduced the option to include psychometric test results in print books. When creating a print book, users will have the option to select the relevant forms from a drop down menu. FIXESIncreasing the number of placeholder that can be inserted into correspondence (ticket ref #39621)The ability to insert placeholders into correspondence via rich text editor, rather than config syntax, was released in v 3.364. We’ve enhanced this feature by increasing the number of placeholder available from 100 to 200. These changes were released on 1st May 24, in version v3.369.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.368 Release Notes 17 April 2024

NEWWhen switching to a role with lesser permissions, users will be redirected to the homepage (ticket ref #39309)Sometimes when switching to a different profile, it’s possible to log in as a user that doesn’t have access to the area of the system the primary user is currently in. Previously this meant the user saw an error message saying they didn’t have the right permissions.Now - when a user switches to a different profile, if the new profile doesn’t have access - the system will automatically redirect the user to the home dashboard. This makes the switching between different users smoother and easier. Import label updated to reflect accepted file types (ticket ref #39585) Previously when Importing users, the label on the import tool specified only XLS files. This has now been updated to reflect that both XLS and XLSX files can be used to import. Improvements for speech recognition accessibility (ticket ref #38368)We’ve made improvements to how buttons and links are formatted to make them more accessible for both screenreaders and speech recognition software.  FIXESRemoving intermittent styling issues affecting users on Firefox (ticket ref #39612)Some users accessing Oleeo on Firefox were reporting seeing some styling inconsistencies, which have now been addressed. Ability to add to data dictionary fixed (ticket ref #39369) We had some reports that when trying to add to the data dictionary, after selecting the group item and clicking add existing, rather than seeing a list of existing items, the list was blank. This has now been rectified. These changes were released on 17th April 24, in version v3.368.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.367 Release Notes 4 April 2024

  NEWPrefix search in left hand menu now case insensitive (ticket ref #39538)This is an update to the existing functionality that enables users to navigate directly to either vacancies or applications by using the prefix v: or a: respectively, followed by the ID number. The search prefixes are now case insensitive, meaning you can use either uppercase or lowercase letters. Full search results easily accessible from Filtered list widgets (ticket ref #39372) To make it easier to perform bulk actions - there is now a link in the title of Filtered list widgets. Clicking the arrow icon next to the title will take the user to a search results page with the same data in the same lay out. From this page the user can perform bulk actions that aren’t accessible from the homepage.FIXESError causing issues when deleting a vacancy template removed (ticket ref #39526) We’ve resolved the glitch that was preventing vacancy templates from being deleted when the config key feature.vacancy.restricted_create was enabled. These changes were released on 4th April 2024, in version v3.367.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.366 Release Notes 22 March 2024

NEWConfigurable change: There is now the option to select which vacancies are posted to LinkedIn via our integration (ticket ref #39002)Until recently, enabling Oleeo’s integration with LinkedIn necessitated all jobs on a board being posted. Now, there is the option to control which jobs are posted to LinkedIn.The naming format of PDF reports is now more intuitive (ticket ref #39181)To make it easier to manage and find the reports you’re looking for, PDF reports will now use the following naming convention: "YYYY-MM-DD_{ReportID}_{ReportName}" The preview of Selections in the left hand menu will be listed by recency (ticket ref #39180)When you expand either private or public Selections in the left hand menu, the five displayed will be the five most recently created.Ability to include % of values in ‘Event’ and ‘Opportunity’ reports (ticket ref #39089 )When creating a statistics report on an Event or Opportunity, users now have the option to use percentage values in the axis. Previously this was only possible with Application reports.  FIXESFixes made to ‘Change language’ dropdown on candidate portal for multi-language systems (ticket ref #39368)The language dropdown on candidate portals for multi-language systems is now behaving as expected. Error that was causing formatting problems on Vacancy active and archive labels fixed (ticket ref #39320)Some users had been reporting some formatting issues on Vacancies where the active/archived status had been changed - this is now resolved. ‘Mobile’ and ‘History’ tabs accessible from profile settings on the latest UI (ticket ref #38932) For systems using the most recent version of Oleeo’s left hand menu UI, there is now the option to access the History and Mobile tabs from the profile settings modal.  These changes were released on 22nd March 2024, in version v3.366.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.365 Release Notes 7 March 2024

NEWAbility to create a new private layout from an amended existing private layout (ticket ref #39126)If a user is working with a private layout and makes a change to it e.g adding a new column - they now have the option to easily save the amended layout as a new private layout, rather than having to rebuilt the whole layout from scratch to use it again. To save a new private layout from an amended existing private layout - go to Save Options, give it a title and tick Make a copy. Ability to open search results in a new tab (ticket ref #38935) Often when searching by a keyword to find an application or vacancy, there will be multiple items in the search results that you want to view at the same time. Users can now open search results into new separate tabs. There are several ways users can open search results into a new tab:Right clicking on the search result and selecting ‘open link in new tab’ Clicking the search result with the mouse scroll wheel Clicking the link and the CTRL key simultaneously FIXESVacancy ID  number added to ‘Recent’ tab in left hand menu (ticket ref #38760)The Recent display for opportunities/vacancies in the left hand menu now shows the ID number with the title, making it easier to distinguish between opportunities with the same name. These changes were released on 7th March 2024, in version v3.365.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.364 Release Notes 21 February 2024

 NEWAbility to specify how job ads on LinkedIn open (ticket ref #37843)This feature is designed to give recruiters more control over how candidates view job ads. Users can now specify whether a job ad posted to LinkedIn via the integration will open to the apply URL - prompting candidates to immediately apply, or the position URL - allowing candidates to read more about the role. It will default to the Apply URL. Ability to insert placeholders via rich text editor, rather than config syntax (ticket ref #38651)When drafting emails, letters or creating labels - rather than inserting placeholders using syntax (e.g manually typing out [placeholder=x][/placeholder]) - this feature allows users to insert placeholders using a button in the rich text editor, then selecting from the dropdown menu. Configurable change: Unauthenticated feedback forms can be hidden from system they're not relevant to (ticket ref #38806)Currently unauthenticated feedback forms (also known as one-shot forms) are used in various ways on Oleeo. This change will make it so you can choose to hide the unauthenticated feedback form option from Interview settings/creation forms if they are not used.This should help tidy up the forms more by removing irrelevant fields as shown below. These changes were released on 21st February 2024, in version v3.364.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal. 

Related category:Release Notes

v3.363 Release Notes 7 February 2024

 NEWConfigurable change: Comprehensively restrict non-candidate form editing access (ticket ref #38423)You can now full restrict a user from being able to edit any forms by adding action group 959 to user’s activity profile. Vacancy, event registration and talent bank application information displayed in candidate search results (ticket ref #38774)We have enhanced searching via the left hand menu. When searching by a candidate’s name, the title and ID information for their vacancies, event registrations and talent bank applications will appear in the results. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for - particularly when a candidate has submitted multiple applications for different roles.  FIXESImprovement to Time in stage reports (ticket ref #38804) We’ve enhanced Report Hub emails so the report sent by the system more accurately reflects the data at that point in time.Translation dialog now open on rich text fieldThis improves the user experience for multi-language systems. These changes were released on 7 February 24, in version v3.363.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.361 Release Notes 10 January 2024

NEWWhen bulk archiving interviews - those attached to unarchived vacancies will be flagged, and not archived When bulk archiving interviews, the system will not longer archive interviews that are attached to unarchived vacancies. Additionally, the user will be informed of which interviews have not been archived. This should make it safer to bulk archive a large number of interviews without affecting interview schedules with vacancies that are still using them. Talent engagement pages are now translatable Talent engagement pages can now have translations applied to them, thus candidates accessing the link whilst using a different language will see the translated pages (if a translation has been set). The translate button will appear under the page content text editor.Clearer ‘download printbook’ link We’ve made some accessibility improvements to the page a user is presented with when a printbook is ready for download. This includes a more obvious download link and improved HTML syntax for screen readers.FIXESRemoved issue that was preventing table layouts containing icon flags from being copied  Some users had flagged an issue that was preventing them from copying table layouts that contained icon flags - this has now been resolvedFixed the DP function in the text editor for CRM campaignsAn issue preventing the DP function in the text editor from being used has been rectified. Resolved a glitch that was causing issues when editing a report with different report open in a separate tab A few customers had reported that having multiple tabs of reports open and editing one was causing changes to be made in all. This error has now been fixed.These changes were released on 10th January 2024, in version v3.361.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change. In these instances, to have the feature applied to your system  please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

Related category:Release Notes

v3.360 Release Notes 13 December 2023

NEWUse the prefix a: [application id number] or v:[vacancy id number] in search to navigate directly to an application or vacancy This is an enhancement to how search works in Oleeo’s new user interface. If you know the ID number of the application or vacancy  you want to navigate to, you can use a prefix followed by the appropriate ID number to get there. To go straight to an application, type a:[application ID number] into search, and hit enter  To go straight to a vacancy, type v:[vacancy ID number] into search, and hit enter. The option to set agency users to become inactive after a specified period of not logging in This is an update to existing functionality, which allows you to set recruiter users to inactive if they don’t log in for a specified number of days. Now you also have the option to set agency users to inactive, as well as setting if they receive an email if they try to access their deactivated account. If a deactivated users wants to access their account again, they will have to be reactivated by a system admin. These changes were released on 13 December 2023, in version v3.360.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.358 Release Notes 15 November 2023

NEWLeft-hand menu search will return talent pool and e-report results (ticket ref #38187)As part of the new left-hand menu UI update, the search bar can be used to search across all criteria (i.e the search term ‘Jones’ will return applications and candidates that match). We have added talent pools and e-report to the criteria, so users can quickly navigate to the appropriate resource. For more information about the new left-hand meu layout, read our guide to the new look. FIXES‘Ongoing’ box will remain ticked when editing an ad posting after an error (ticket ref #38248)We’ve fixed  an issue that caused the ‘ongoing’ box to become unticked after an error was triggered while posting a job advert (e.g the time for the posting live date is one minute earlier than the vacancy live time). Fixing issues occurring in config when editing table layouts (ticket ref #37569)Following user reports of issues in config when editing table layouts, we’ve rolled out a fix that should address the problem. Event participant status editable from the Participation Schedule’ tab (ticket ref #38203)Users are now able to edit the status of event attendees from within the Participation Schedule tab. These changes were released on 15th November 2023, in version v3.358.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.356 Release Notes 18 October 2023

NEWConfigurable change: Allow candidate / application summary to show as a form (ticket ref #38022)It’s now possible to configure the data displayed within the summary section of the Application and Candidate Summary pages via a Form instead of a Table Layout. Being able to use Forms adds flexibility to the summary section. Config users can add things like Labels and Visibility rules to control what information is displayed.Configurable change: UK Driving Licence form validation (ticket ref #37813)We’ve added a new ‘Validation Type’ called ‘UK Driving Licence’. Adding this to a free text item allows you to ensure that when capturing a candidates UK Driving Licence, it will be accurate.Convert all xls imports/exports into xlsx imports/exports (ticket ref #37821)Previously, users could only import xls files. Our export/import functionality now supports xlsx. Adding support for xlsx will make these tools more usable.This will include areas such as:Importing/Exporting Applications Importing/Exporting Vacancies Importing/Exporting List Values Importing/Exporting Items  Importing/Exporting Statistics Reports  FIXESDate fields no longer editable in spreadsheet mode (ticket ref #37983)We’ve fixed an issue where users were unable to edit date fields when using ‘spreadsheet mode’ within the Application and Vacancy list views.Time displaying incorrectly in form (ticket ref #35257)We’ve fixed an issue with time fields in forms when printing/exporting as PDF. It will now display time only. Word Count and Error Message Not Displaying if Label has a Line or Page Break (ticket ref #38064)We’ve fixed an error where large free text fields with a word limit weren’t correctly displaying the word count or word count exceeded message.These changes were released on 18th October 2023, in version v3.356.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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v3.355 Release Notes 4 October 2023

NEWNew datapath for Database objects (ticket ref #37980)We’ve added a new datapath for Database objects. This datapath will default the value to Current_User. This will have several uses. One example would be self-configuration users can create dashboard widgets that filter data based on the user looking at it. So for example, a list of jobs where the user only sees jobs where they are set as the ‘Recruiter’ (or whatever you call your database object(s) on your job creation form)User will be informed if file upload limit is reached (ticket ref #37842)The current file size limit is 10MB. If a user attempts to submit a file larger than that with a form - the user will see a message explaining why the form upload has failed. FIXESInterview scheduling will default to current century (ticket ref #37975)If a user uses the shortened year format (i.e 23, 24) when scheduling interview slots, the system will autofill the rest of the year, so the slot will be schedule for the right time.Attached files will stay attached to form even if form submission is unsuccessful and has to reload (ticket ref #35257)If a user is submits a form with an attached file but misses a mandatory field, when the form reloads, the missed field will be highlighted and the attached file will still be there, so the user won’t have to reattach it.Feedback form datapath can be used to specify form instance (ticket ref #37968)We’re fixing an issue where the datapath used to identify an item in a specific instance of a feedback form was instead always displaying the first form instance.These changes were released on 4th October 2023, in version v3.355.All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.

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