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Configurable change: Parse & Index Form Fields for Systems without CVs (ticket ref #34205)
Parsing can be configured to parse application forms for systems that don't require CVs to be uploaded, so search & match can still be used. 

Configurable change: Allow MS Teams integration to use UserID rather than Email (ticket ref #37163)
For clients with specific requirements on the email address used for MS teams integrations, we can now specify whether to use the username or email address (defaulting to email address) with the new config key feature.sotf.interviewer_availability_id 

Configurable change: New supported languages: Polish, Slovakian and Romanian (ticket ref #37229)
Translation options can now be configured to include Polish, Slovakian and Romanian. 

Show status group set title in time status reporting table (ticket ref #37192)
While building or amending a Status Time Reporting group, it was hard to tell which status group set the item belonged to, especially if they had been named the same or similarly.

Status group set titles are now included in the time status reporting data table. 

Translate interview dates/times (ticket ref #37201)
The candidate interview booking screen will now translate dates to the candidate's preferred language. 

"Never editable" multi instance sections will no longer show "Add another" prompts (ticket ref #37228)

This removes confusion for users that should only be able to view a certain set of fields rather than edit or add to

These changes were released on 28th June 2023, in version v3.348.

All new features and fixes will automatically appear in your system, unless they are marked as a configurable change.

To have a configurable change applied to your system please speak to your Customer Success representative or email You can also raise a Change Request case in the portal.